
Thursday, April 22, 2004

Well, we'll see if I can figure this out After I uploaded my photos to the ftp site, I didn't take into account that I couldn't access the ftp site to get the file names and verify the pictures. DOH! So today, it's a crapshoot. Maybe we'll get the right pictures...maybe we won't :)

Today, it's a fashion show!

I have a dress that I made that Philbert calls the "Grateful Dead" dress. I can't remember if it was because I would or wouldn't stand out at a Grateful Dead concert wearing it. Suffice it to say it's very bright and kind of a tie dye thing. So, of course, I had to get a matching one for Jaime because she admired it so much

You be the judge. She would or she wouldn't stand out at a Grateful Dead concert?

She sure looks pretty, though, doesn't she?

And, I couldn't resist these pajamas. Yes, I bought them at the Disney Outlet store and she finally gets to wear them now that it's warming up. Otherwise, she has to wear the jammies with the feet in them.

If you haven't seen Lilo and Stitch, the top (and the bottoms for that matter) say, "Ohana means Family".

And now, just for Grandma (but the rest of you can look if you want), Jaime in her new Spring outfit. She wore it to school yesterday and I wanted to get a picture of her before it got all wrinkled and dirty.

Jaime's starting to learn now that I'm taking pictures of her so she's hamming it up for the camera. She even says, "Cheese!" when I tell her I want to take a picture.

It was a pretty good day yesterday. Jaime didn't want to leave the playground or even the swing. Mommy made the mistake of giving her an "underpush" and she thought that was just about the best thing ever. So, I bribed her with Nutter Butters. Hey, whatever works, right? :)

We fed the kitty who lives under the stairs and, I think, is expecting new kittens any day now. Jaime loves it and for about a dime's worth of cat treats, I say, "Go for it."

But until tomorrow, I'll leave you with this face

It just doesn't get any better than this...

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Ah, this is so annoying but I guess that's life in corporate, paranoid America. Our IT (Information Technology) department has decided that we no longer need to have anything other than the minimum access to the outside world. So, while we can still get into normal Web sites with our browsers, we can't access anything else...secure sites, ftp sites, remote access sites, instant message sites, etc. Typically, this would be fine but it means I can't upload my photos to the ftp site from work anymore. Not knowing this, I brought the diskette of photos in, resized them and got set to post the latest fashion show and everything came to a screeching hault. If I'd have known this, I'd have uploaded them at home (which is what I will do tonight for tomorrow's post.)

They've also seen the need to have one computer on the network able to connect to everything we've had before. Huzzah! Sounds good! Until I find out that it has to run either Windows 2000 or Windows XP (or their spyware won't work) and they're going to blow up whichever machine I say I want for my "corporate" machine and "reimage" it which means everything on the hard drive will be lost.

The machine I use every hour of every day is a Windows 98 machine. I've had it since I started working here 6 1/2 years ago. It has things on it I wouldn't even want to TRY to replace. Back in 1999, they reimaged it with Windows 98 while I was on a vacation and I was not a happy camper when I came back. I had, however, backed everything up so I wasn't totally out of it.

Besides, this machine is not capable of running either Windows 2000 or Windows XP at any acceptable speed and pretty much all of the computers I have in my office are the same category. So, unless they buy me a new 'puter, I'm out of luck.

This is The Week of the Young Child There are all kinds of projects happening in "school". Yesterday they had "Poppy the Clown" come and put paint on their faces (I think Jaime's was a sun at one point but by the time I picked her up it was just a yellow blob). She made me a pin on Monday that I proudly wear on my badge at work (it's got some brown, green and blue marker on it and I think it's beautiful.) Friday she has to bring in a picture of her family (that's us!) They also have family reading day on Friday so I might sign up to go read a book to the kids. I'm thinking One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

I hope it doesn't upset her too much to have me come in and then leave again. I'm kind of torn between showing her that I think her school is important and I want to be part of it and upsetting her by just popping in for a short while. Guess we'll see. One of those learn as you go things, I think :)

Killer Cute We have a new bedtime routine that involves going out on the deck and trying to lure unsuspecting animals in to taste some of my home made doggie biscuits. She sits out there yelling "Cookie! Cookie!" because who in their right mind could resist a cookie, right? Last night, one of the feral cats decided she'd like them so Jaime was very excited to actually see an animal eating her treats. When the cookie was gone, I found some cat treats that she could throw off to it. She'd lean way over the deck (with Mommy holding her so tight she could hardly breathe), drop the treat, watch the cat eat it, then wave when the cat looked up for more. I told her the kitty was saying "Thank you" so she said, "Thank you" then waved again. She's got a good heart, has my daughter.

I'm home now and the baby is asleep but I'm too tired to blog anymore for now. I did manage to upload the photos from home so tomorrow I'll post them. And yes, Grandma, there are pictures of her in her new Easter outfit :)

Monday, April 19, 2004

Okay, Don. Here it is. The Mom-mobile and the Caddy parked side by side. Got to say, the Caddy looks pretty good for a vehicle that's almost 20 years old!

Yes, the Mom-mobile is very nice. Jaime's learning that when she waves her hand to open the door, Mommy's pushing a button. Little smarty! I put up one of those window shades to block out more of the Texas sun than the dark windows block but then she couldn't see out as well, so that's rolled up now.

A couple more shots of Jaime on the rocking horse. It's beautiful and she really likes riding it. She no longer tries to stand up on it. That might have been a Grandpa thing - see if she could get away with it :)

The "pony" comes out at least once a day for a wild ride. Some days she rides it for a long time, some days she rides just for a few minutes. Depends on her mood :)

Some people have been asking me what "crankous" means and/or where it came from. Well, in the process of adopting a child from overseas, medical reports are typically sent to the prospective parents. Sometimes one, sometimes many, all depends on the child, the babyhouse, the doctors, facilitators and a whole bunch of other things. In Jaime's case, the medicals had to be translated from Russian to English. One of the medical reports said, She is very crankous, touchy, demands attention towards herself, likes to be held, often cries without reasons.

Both Susan, my coordinator, and I thought that crankous was a really descriptive word. I'm not really cranky, just a little crankous today. So, we've adopted it into our vocabularies and so have several other people. Even Jaime knows what crankous is. Here are a few pictures, just in case you're wondering.

And my favorite:

So now you, too, can add crankous to your vocabulary and if anyone asks you what it means, you just send them here.

We spent a lot of time at the park this weekend. Saturday wasn't all that much fun because it was so crowded but Sunday afternoon was just right.

One of the interesting characters at the park is this family.

What's so interesting, you ask? The duck is not there by accident. This is actually a trained duck who goes for a walk with the man and his dog. The kids try mightily to catch the duck but he's avoided them all so far. And yes, Jaime's in there chasing the duck (shouting, "Duck! Duck!") with the others.

Here's my little toughie climbing what I consider one of the more dangerous methods of getting on top of the playscape. Mind you, when we first started going to the park, Jaime couldn't climb the steps without help. Saturday, she climbed this by herself (well, she fell just as she was pulling herself to the top of it but you know she got right back on and did it again)

Sunday she tried the one on the bigger playscape but there was a little girl at the top who kept standing in her way (and tried to step on her fingers - Southern hospitality!)

But she did manage to climb this thing, also unassisted

Isn't this hat just killer cute?

Okay, enough bragging...at least for today :)

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